
Read On! Summer Feeding Program

June 7, 2021

Your Pryor Public Library is partnering with the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma once again to offer free grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches for kids and teens under 18 years of age. Come on over every Tues, Wed, and Fri this summer from 9 – 1 and pick up some free food for your kids!

All kids and teens are eligible for the meals. There aren’t any requirements or questions asked beyond “how many kids?” and “how many meals?” The USDA kept their relaxed guidelines for serving meals this summer, which means parents can pick up meals for each child and can get meals for multiple days in one trip. You’re welcome to use our picnic tables to eat, but your kids are not required to eat at the library.

Each meal is pre-packaged, shelf-stable, and checks off all the USDA food group boxes. They’re not gourmet by any means, but they’re pretty good and very kid-friendly. Each meal also comes with shelf-stable Hershey’s milk. Take it from me: put it in the refrigerator before your kids drink it. It’s drinkable at room temperature, but only just. Cold, it’s pretty delicious. Especially the chocolate milk.

While you’re in the library getting meals, don’t forget to register for our Summer Reading Program and pick up your packets! We’ve got something for every age group and prizes galore! Plus, reading all summer keeps kids from falling behind for the next school year.

This week we also have some exciting events at the library! Don’t miss our grab-and-go yard art available all week at the youth services desk, in-person toddler storytime on Wed. at 10:30, and an in-person seed saving class Thurs at 6:30.

You can also participate (or just admire) the virtual pet parade on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We’ve got so many adorable pet photos already! I can hardly stand the cuteness!