
Read On! The Great Move

January 24, 2022

Do I have news for you this week! The details will change as things develop and we learn more, but the main thing is that we’re closing our current building at the end of February and reopening in the Graham Community Center (GCC) on March 1st. We will be in the GCC until the end of August.

While we’re in the GCC, construction teams will demo out ceilings, install a sprinkler system, and remodel the staff office area.

Our current building is just over 10,000 square feet. The GCC room is just under 3,900 square feet. We’re going to try to pack as much of your library into that small space as possible. We’ve got some limitations beyond space – lack of electrical outlets being a primary one – but I think we’ll be successful in scaling down our operation enough to fit and still be able to serve our community.

We can only take eight of our shelving units to the GCC and our access to the collection we leave behind will be minimal. This means, we may not have access to the material you are looking for in our physical collection. We will still offer inter-library loans and full access to our digital collections.

We will have internet access and wifi as well as a copier/printer for public use. We will also have some genealogy resources like our microfilm and reader.

Several other organizations reserved the GCC before we knew we were going to need it. We are in the process of contacting those groups to see how we can best accommodate their reservation with the library in the same room.

We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us preparing to move, protecting what we leave behind, and figuring out how to get people to come see us in the GCC. Please be patient with us as we make this transition. It will be frustrating for everyone involved, but once the building is complete, it will have been worth it!